A disaster is defined as a "sudden or great misfortune" or simply "any unfortunate event." More precisely, a disaster is an event whose timing is unexpected and whose consequences are seriously destructive.

If a disaster is both sudden and unexpected, are you ready to communicate to your audience at a moment's notice when lives are at stake?

Not communicating to your audience quickly in an emergency can lead to:
Loss of trust in your agency
Loss of credibility
Loss of financial stability
Loss of property
Loss of infrastructure

and worst of all...loss of life.

If you work in public information and have not received specified training in:

Manmade disasters

Environmental disasters

Cyber attacks

Hospital Emergencies

Terrorism attacks

Disease outbreaks

Foodborne illness outbreaks

Corporate crises

...and various other

disaster-based scenarios

Then the following online training is for you!

Online Master Course

The online course that is specifically designed for:
Emergency Managers
and Corporate Executives
who have a role in public information


Learn the tools to create and deliver life-saving messages in an emergency.


Develop empathetic messaging that puts you in the shoes of the listener to gain the trust of your audience.


Take the lessons learned in this course to gain a superior skillset that most communicators don't possess and be a part of saving lives in your community!

Communication Training YOUR way

The "Communicating in Crisis" online training series provides communication leaders with the tools needed to address their communities and the media throughout a crisis, and teaches the communicator to approach crisis communication from the listener’s perspective, even if they have little to no experience in delivering life-saving information during a disaster scenario.
The scariest part of speaking to the media is that it’s often unpredictable, making you lose confidence in your ability to share your message to your community? This may lead some to avoid situations where public speaking may be required, or worse, lead to mistakes with dire consequences.

But what if I said that you can gain the confidence needed to overcome your fears of speaking to the public, through whatever form of media you choose? All it takes is:

Understanding a disaster's timeline

Understanding your audience during disasters

And the tools needed to transform an inexperienced messenger into a competent communicator...

...And I can teach YOU how to do that through this course!

A leader with experience

My name is Mark Linderman, owner and creator of Disaster Initiatives. I’m a Television Producer and previous Marketing Specialist turned Online Course Creator and Coach. I help leaders who have a role in public relations transform into professional communicators so they can effectively deliver vital messaging throughout a crisis, even if they have little to no experience in delivering life-saving information during a disaster.

I felt called to start Disaster Initiatives because most who work in public information have not been specifically trained in disaster management and there is nothing in the current market that teaches communicators how to emotionally connect with their audience during times of disaster and gain their trust. This is the most essential component for audiences to effectively receive crisis messages

The step-by-step online training that transforms you from inexperienced messenger into a competent communicator by putting you in the shoes of the listener.  


  • Forms of communication in a crisis and when/how to use them

  • How to examine disaster psychology to best reach communities with vital messages

  • How to craft effective messages as well as the elements of effective communication in an emergency

  • How to disseminate emergency information on a large scale

  • How to connect with your audience by creating a dynamic disaster digital community

  • Practices that turn a “good” messenger into a “great” emergency Spokesperson

  • How to develop strategies to work with local and National media

  • Develop strong relationships with stakeholders and partners who count throughout a crisis

Downloadable Templates

3 PRICELESS Communication Development Tools

Every crisis communications campaign MUST have a way to transform imperfect information into a perfect message to distribute to your community! Using these FREE worksheets & video trainings, I’ll teach you how to develop your best message throughout any phase of a crisis in a matter of minutes. 

Immediate Response Checklist

Learn the CRITICAL elements that you need to before you begin to craft your disaster message, who bring into your communication look, and how to distribute your message after you develop it.

Message Development Form

Given the necessary information of a crisis, how do you transform what you know into a vital message to bring to your community? The Message Development Form gives you a valuable template to fill out to know not only what to say, but helps you check your ability to organize a message with empathy and gain the trust of your audience.

Communication Implementation Worksheet

After you’ve taken the course, use this step-by-step guide to help you take action on what you’ve just learned. This guide walks you through decisions you need to make to develop your skillsets as a Crisis Communicator when time is of the essence to deliver your crisis and risk communication message FAST!

Course Enrollment Fee

We're living in uncertain times and your community will be looking to you for guidance. Are you ready to communicate to your audience at a moment's notice when lives are at stake? Take advantage of this discounted training today!


Money Back Guarantee

I know that this training is exactly what you need if you’ve been looking to develop your skills as an effective communicator in an emergency. I’m so certain that you can take the course for a full 15-days and if you’re not 100% happy with the results…I’ll give you a full refund – no questions asked!


Email me at

[email protected]