Crisis and Risk Communications

Relate to Communicate: Empathy in Crisis Messaging 

Explore how empathy is used to better communicate to your audience to secure your message and have your recommendations acted upon.

10 Qualities of a Great Spokesperson During Disaster

Do you have what it takes to be a great spokesperson during a disaster? Read this blog to uncover 10 qualities that all great disaster spokespersons possess!

9 Steps to Write a Strong Crisis Communications Plan

Writing a crisis communications plan may not seem as easy as you may think. Learn 9 foundational steps to get you track in the case calamity happens!

Navigating the Storm: The Crucial Role of Media in Times of Disaster

What is the exact role of the media during times of disaster? Can you trust them? Are they friend or foe? Learn some essential functions of the media when calamity strikes!

8 Strategies to Enhance Trust-Based Communication During a Disaster

One of the foundational principles of disaster-based crisis and risk communications is to gain your audience's trust. Find out tried and true strategies that will enhance your ability to increase trust with your crisis communications plan.

Should Artificial Intelligence Be Used in Crisis Communications?

We are on the cusp of revolutionizing how we use information. Can the use of artificial intelligence (A.I.) in crisis and risk communications play a pivotal role in disasters, or add to social calamity?

The C-Suite of Crisis Communications

Are you looking for the tried and tested tools for how to communicate in a crisis? Then look no further as you read about the C's of Crisis Communication.

Food-Borne Communication Follies: Restaurant Owners Become Experts in Crisis Communications

With the ever increasing potential of a food-borne outbreak looming in our world, should restaurant owners become practitioners of crisis and risk communication?

Find Your Why: Disaster Service Workers and Crisis Communications

Emergency Managers and Disaster Service Workers often find themselves "following the formula" of public information. But what if you understand the "why" of what we communicate and when? Would it make you a better communicator?

Ask the Survival Experts

Hunting for Disaster Freedom

Examine the perspective of disaster preparedness from Green Beret, Tim Kennedy, star of the hit television show, "Hunting Hitler"

Journey to the Days of Old

Go back to the foundations of disaster preparedness as reality survival star, Les Stroud, reflects on the biggest lessons learned from Discovery's hit television series, Survivorman.

A Communicator's Perspective on Disaster
Dive into the insight of Dr. Barbara Reynolds, creator of the CDC’s Crisis + Emergency Risk Communication Model, and how she relates communication to disaster preparedness in today's world.

The Most Independent Man on Earth

Cody Lundin, co-star of the hit Discovery television show, Dual Survival, answers questions about his own particular form of disaster training and how Americans today can benefit from learning primitive survival skills.

A Trusted Watchman

While the Covid-19 pandemic may have been declared over, we still may be at risk for severe disease outbreaks in our world. Dr. Ali Khan, from the University of Nebraska, explores the potential for more calamity and what it takes for society to prepare for the next pandemic.

The Warrior's Mindset

One of the pillars of disaster survival is your ability to have the right frame of mind. Explore the foundations of disaster psychology with special forces veteran and survival reality television star, Joe Teti, as he discusses how to be mentally prepared for disaster.

The EMP Threat: How Electro Magnetic Pulses Could Change Everything 

How could an Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) attack decimate America? Join leading EMP expert and author, Dr. Arthur Bradley, as he discusses the potential catastrophe of an EMP attack, but how we can build hope in our communities as we prepare for any disaster.

Echoes of the Spanish Flu

The Spanish Influenza pandemic took almost 100 million lives. How would a similar pandemic affect our world today? Join author and pandemic expert, John Barry, as he links the past to our future to help answer that question.

Pandemic Predictions

Join author, Laura Spinney, as she looks to the past 1918 Spanish Flu pandemic to help us better understand how future outbreaks could change the way we function as a society.

If the World Falls

Join Sam Sheridan, best-selling author of The Disaster Diaries and host of popular shows on Discovery and National Geographic, as he explores the unpredictable world we live in. Learn expert insights on disaster preparedness and how to effectively respond to potential crises.